Scan with Breakman:
>>> brakeman --ensure-latest -p `pwd` -o ~/Test_Output.txt
Loading scanner...
Processing application in /opt/Projects/tiramisu
Processing gems...
[Notice] Detected Rails 3 application
Processing configuration...
[Notice] Escaping HTML by default
Parsing files...
Processing initializers...
Processing libs...ed
Processing routes...
Processing templates...
Processing data flow in templates...
Processing models...
Processing controllers...
Processing data flow in controllers...
Indexing call sites...
Running checks in parallel...
- CheckBasicAuth
- CheckBasicAuthTimingAttack
- CheckCrossSiteScripting
- CheckContentTag
- CheckCookieSerialization
- CheckCreateWith
- CheckDefaultRoutes
- CheckDeserialize
- CheckDetailedExceptions
- CheckDigestDoS
- CheckDynamicFinders
- CheckEscapeFunction
- CheckEvaluation
- CheckExecute
- CheckFileAccess
- CheckFileDisclosure
- CheckFilterSkipping
- CheckForgerySetting
- CheckHeaderDoS
- CheckI18nXSS
- CheckJRubyXML
- CheckJSONEncoding
- CheckJSONParsing
- CheckLinkTo
- CheckLinkToHref
- CheckMailTo
- CheckMassAssignment
- CheckMimeTypeDoS
- CheckModelAttrAccessible
- CheckModelAttributes
- CheckModelSerialize
- CheckNestedAttributes
- CheckNestedAttributesBypass
- CheckNumberToCurrency
- CheckPermitAttributes
- CheckQuoteTableName
- CheckRedirect
- CheckRegexDoS
- CheckRender
- CheckRenderDoS
- CheckRenderInline
- CheckResponseSplitting
- CheckRouteDoS
- CheckSafeBufferManipulation
- CheckSanitizeMethods
- CheckSelectTag
- CheckSelectVulnerability
- CheckSend
- CheckSendFile
- CheckSessionManipulation
- CheckSessionSettings
- CheckSimpleFormat
- CheckSingleQuotes
- CheckSkipBeforeFilter
- CheckSprocketsPathTraversal
- CheckSQL
- CheckSQLCVEs
- CheckSSLVerify
- CheckStripTags
- CheckSymbolDoSCVE
- CheckTranslateBug
- CheckUnsafeReflection
- CheckValidationRegex
- CheckWithoutProtection
- CheckXMLDoS
- CheckYAMLParsing
Checks finished, collecting results...
Generating report...
Report saved in '/home/bridings/Test_Output.txt'
Execution After Redirect¶
- Since there is no return in the function the Topic is updated.
Overview of Execution After Redirect Web Application Vulnerabilities
class TopicsController < ApplicationController
def update
@topic = Topic.find(params[:id])
unless current_user.is_admin?
redirect_to "/"
if @topic.update_attributes(params[:topic])
flash[:notice] = "Topic updated!"