Fully Hashed Menezes Qu Vanstone
Fully Hashed Menezes-Qu-Vanstone (FHMQV)¶
Almost exactly similar to MQV but uses a hash of their own public_key and the other users random point instead of the bar function.
from ecc_lib import *
import hashlib, os, math, random
from cryptopals_lib import bytes_to_int, int_to_bytes, secure_rand_between
if __name__ == '__main__':
order = secp256k1_Generator_Point.curve.order
cofactor = 1
#Generate KeyPair Alice
alice_private_key, alice_public_point = generate_KeyPair(secp256k1_Generator_Point)
#Generate Alice random Point
alice_random = random.getrandbits(256)
alice_random_point = secp256k1_Generator_Point * alice_random
print(alice_private_key, alice_public_point)
#Generate KeyPair Bob
bob_private_key, bob_public_point = generate_KeyPair(secp256k1_Generator_Point)
print(bob_private_key, bob_public_point)
#Generate Bob random Point
bob_random = random.getrandbits(256)
bob_random_point = secp256k1_Generator_Point * bob_random
#HMQV uses a Hash of their own public_key and the other users random point
#This is used to replace the Bar function from MQV
alice_hash_output = hashlib.sha512(alice_random_point.compressed() + b"|" + bob_public_point.compressed()).digest()
alice_bar = bytes_to_int(alice_hash_output) % order
bob_hash_output = hashlib.sha512(bob_random_point.compressed() + b"|" + alice_public_point.compressed()).digest()
bob_bar = bytes_to_int(bob_hash_output) % order
#print(f"Alice Bar: {alice_bar}")
#print(f"Bob Bar: {bob_bar}")
#Generate Signatures
alice_signature = (alice_random + (alice_bar * alice_private_key)) % order
bob_signature = (bob_random + (bob_bar * bob_private_key)) % order
print(f"Alice Signature: {alice_signature}")
print(f"Bob Signature: {bob_signature}")
#Key Exchange
#Alice Side
#Ja = cofactor * alice_signature * (bob_random_point + bar(bob_random_point) * bob_public_key_point)
alice_side = bob_random_point + ( bob_bar * bob_public_point)
alice_side = cofactor * (alice_signature * alice_side)
#Bob side
#Jb = cofactor * bob_signature * (alice_random_point + bar(alice_random_point) * alice_public_key_point)
bob_side = alice_random_point + ( alice_bar * alice_public_point)
bob_side = cofactor * (bob_signature * bob_side)
assert alice_side == bob_side