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Superingular Isgeny Diffie

Superingular Isgeny Diffie-Hellman

  • Post Quantam Crypto Algorithm
  • Each participant uses a different Curve. Isgeny is a way to map a elliptic curve to a different epileptic curve.
    • This works where each participant share there curve and repeat

How it works

  1. Alice and Bob choose a shared curve
  2. Alice creates a random number and uses that to create a new curve (Ea)
  3. Bob creates a random number and uses that to create a new curve (Eb)
  4. Bob sends his curve to Alice
  5. Alice sends her curve to Bob
  6. Alice then uses her random number on the curve that Bob sent her
  7. Bob then uses her random number on the curve that Alice sent her
  8. Both Alice and Bob now have a curve that is known to both
