Linear Shift Feedback Register (LSFR)¶
- Fully reversible with some output
- Used by the Hitag½ system and MIFARE Classic
Know the Output¶
Z3 Implementation:
from z3 import *
register_size = 20
def Z3LFSR(taps, register)
#Get the last bit from the register
bit = Extract(register_size-1, register_size-1, register)
#Init the new bit to be used
new_bit = BitVec(1, 1)
#Xor the tapped variables
for i in range(register_size):
new_bit = new_bit ^ (Extract(i, i, taps) & Extract(i, i, register))
#Shift the variables by one
new_register = Concat(Extract(register_size - 2, 0, register), new_bit)
return bit, new_register
def Solve(cipher_iv, known_bytes, data, enc_hash):
taps = []
register = []
cipher_iv_stream = BitStream(cipher_iv)
#Setup Register and Taps
for x in range(8):
taps.append(BitVec("T{}".format(x), register_size))
register.append(BitVecVal(cipher_iv_stream.get_bits(register_size), register_size))
for i in range(20):
for j in range(8):
new_bit, new_register = Z3LFSR(taps[i], register[i])
register[i] = new_bit
#Get Keystream Bytes
for j in range(20, len(known_bytes)):
bits = []
for i in range(8)
new_bit, new_register = Z3LFSR(taps[i], register[i])
register[i] = new_bit
keystream_byte_test = Concat(bits[7], bits[6], bits[5], bits[4], bits[3], bits[2], bits[1], bits[0])
keystream_byte = known_bytes[j] ^ data[j]
s.add(keystream_byte_valid == keystream_byte)
while True:
ch = s.check()
print ch
if ch.r == -1:
model = s.model()
poly = []
for i in range(8):
c = SolveLFSRCipher(poly, cipher_iv)
dec_data = c.crypt(data)
dec_hash = c.crypt(enc_hash)
dec_data_hash = hashlib.sha256(dec_data).digest()
if dec_hash == dec_data_hash:
with open("flag.png", "wb") as f:
current_poly = Concat(
model[taps[7]], model[taps[6]], model[taps[5]], model[taps[4]],
model[taps[3]], model[taps[2]], model[taps[1]], model[taps[0]]
s.add(current_poly != all_C)
if __name__ == "__main__":
known_bytes = [0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0d, 0x49, 0x48, 0x44, 0x52,
0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x08,
0x00, 0x00, None, None,
#Bit Depth (Might be different)
#Color Type (Might be different)
#Compression Method
#Filter Method
None, None, None, None,
#Possible new tag
None, None, None, None,
z = zipfile.ZipFile("")
d ="flag.png")
key_iv = d[:20]
cipher_iv = d[20:40]
enc_hash = d[-32:]
data = d[40:-32]
Solve(cipher_iv, known_bytes, data, enc_hash)
Know the Output and the Taps¶
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from functools import reduce
from operator import xor
class LFSR():
def __init__(self, fill, taps):
#The Register is the inital state of the Register
if type(fill) != list:
temp = int.from_bytes(fill, byteorder="big")
fill = [int(x) for x in list('{0:0b}'.format(temp))]
self.register = fill
self.taps = taps
def step(self):
#XOR the elements in the register
tapped_bits = [self.register[t] for t in taps]
new_bit = reduce(xor, tapped_bits)
#Remove the first element of the array. This is shifts all of the elements in the register to the left
del self.register[0]
#This adds the new bit to the end of the register
#Return the new_bit that was added to the array
return self.register[-1]
def rand(self, bit_size):
'''Generate a k-bit pseudo random number using the register.'''
num = 0
for _ in range(bit_size):
num = (num << 2) | self.step()
return num
def __str__(self):
return "<LFSR: {}, taps: {}>".format(''.join(map(str,self.register)), self.taps)
if __name__ == '__main__':
register = LFSR(fill=[0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0], taps=[8])
A5/1 3G Encryption¶
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: overxfl0w13
def header():
print """
_______ _______ __
( ___ )( ____ \ /\/ \
| ( ) || ( \/ / /\/) )
| (___) || (____ / / | |
| ___ |(_____ \ / / | |
| ( ) | ) ) / / | |
| ) ( |/\____) )/ / __) (_
|/ \|\______/ \/ \____/
## Register ##
class LFSR:
def __init__(self,i,length,clockingBit,tappedBits): self.i,self.length,self.register,self.clockingBit,self.tappedBits = i,length,[0]*length,clockingBit,tappedBits
def _getID(self): return self.i
def _getRegister(self): return self.register
def _getBit(self,i): return self.register[i]
def _getLength(self): return self.length
def _getClockingBit(self): return self.register[self.clockingBit]
def _getTappedBits(self): return self.tappedBits
def _setID(self,i): self.i = i
def _setLength(self,length): self.length = length
def _setRegister(self,register): self.register = register
def _setClockingBit(self,clockingBit): self.clockingBit = clockingBit
def _setTappedBits(self,tappedBits): self.tappedBits = tappedBits
## Utils ##
def xor(x,y): return 0 if x==y else 1
def stepOne(): return (LFSR(1,19,8,[13,16,17,18]),LFSR(2,22,10,[20,21]),LFSR(3,23,10,[7,20,21,22]))
def stepTwo(lfsrOne,lfsrTwo,lfsrThree,sessionKey):
for bit in sessionKey:
bit = int(bit)
nMsb = xor(xor(xor(xor(lfsrOne._getBit(13),lfsrOne._getBit(16)),lfsrOne._getBit(17)),lfsrOne._getBit(18)),bit)
nMsb = xor(xor(lfsrTwo._getBit(20),lfsrTwo._getBit(21)),bit)
nMsb = xor(xor(xor(xor(lfsrThree._getBit(7),lfsrThree._getBit(20)),lfsrThree._getBit(21)),lfsrThree._getBit(22)),bit)
def stepFour(lfsrOne,lfsrTwo,lfsrThree):
for i in xrange(100):
clockingBits = [lfsrOne._getClockingBit(),lfsrTwo._getClockingBit(),lfsrThree._getClockingBit()]
oneCount,zeroCount = clockingBits.count(1),clockingBits.count(0)
majorityBit = 1 if max(oneCount,zeroCount)==oneCount else 0
if lfsrOne._getClockingBit()==majorityBit:
nMsb = xor(xor(xor(lfsrOne._getBit(13),lfsrOne._getBit(16)),lfsrOne._getBit(17)),lfsrOne._getBit(18))
if lfsrTwo._getClockingBit()==majorityBit:
nMsb = xor(lfsrTwo._getBit(20),lfsrTwo._getBit(21))
if lfsrThree._getClockingBit()==majorityBit:
nMsb = xor(xor(xor(lfsrThree._getBit(7),lfsrThree._getBit(20)),lfsrThree._getBit(21)),lfsrThree._getBit(22))
def stepFive(lfsr1,lfsr2,lfsr3):
keyStream = ""
keyStream += str(lfsrOne._getBit(lfsrOne._getLength()-1)^lfsrTwo._getBit(lfsrTwo._getLength()-1)^lfsrThree._getBit(22))
for i in xrange(227):
clockingBits = [lfsrOne._getClockingBit(),lfsrTwo._getClockingBit(),lfsrThree._getClockingBit()]
oneCount,zeroCount = clockingBits.count(1),clockingBits.count(0)
majorityBit = 1 if max(oneCount,zeroCount)==oneCount else 0
if lfsrOne._getClockingBit()==majorityBit:
nMsb = xor(xor(xor(lfsrOne._getBit(13),lfsrOne._getBit(16)),lfsrOne._getBit(17)),lfsrOne._getBit(18))
if lfsrTwo._getClockingBit()==majorityBit:
nMsb = xor(lfsrTwo._getBit(20),lfsrTwo._getBit(21))
if lfsrThree._getClockingBit()==majorityBit:
nMsb = xor(xor(xor(lfsrThree._getBit(7),lfsrThree._getBit(20)),lfsrThree._getBit(21)),lfsrThree._getBit(22))
keyStream += str(lfsrOne._getBit(lfsrOne._getLength()-1)^lfsrTwo._getBit(lfsrTwo._getLength()-1)^lfsrThree._getBit(22))
return keyStream
def stepSix(plainText,keyStream): return "".join([str(xor(keyStream[i%228],plainText[i])) for i in xrange(len(plainText))])
def padding228(plainText):
while len(plainText)%228!=0: plainText += "0"
return plainText
if __name__ == "__main__":
plainText = padding228(raw_input("Msg> "))
# Step One #
print "\nInitializing LFSR..."
lfsrs = stepOne()
lfsrOne,lfsrTwo,lfsrThree = lfsrs[0],lfsrs[1],lfsrs[2]
# Step Two #
sessionKey = padding228(raw_input("\nSession key> "))
print "\nLFSR after step two:"
print lfsrOne._getRegister()
print lfsrTwo._getRegister()
print lfsrThree._getRegister()
print "\n\n"
# Step Three #
print "LFSR after step three:"
print lfsrOne._getRegister()
print lfsrTwo._getRegister()
print lfsrThree._getRegister()
print "\n\n"
# Step Four #
print "LFSR after step four:"
print lfsrOne._getRegister()
print lfsrTwo._getRegister()
print lfsrThree._getRegister()
print "\n\n"
# Step Five #
print "KeyStream 228b generated:"
keyStream = stepFive(lfsrOne,lfsrTwo,lfsrThree)
print keyStream
# Step Six #
print "\nCipher text:"
cipherText = stepSix(plainText,keyStream)
print cipherText,"\n\n"
A5/2 3G Encryption¶
#include <stdio.h>
/* Masks for the shift registers */
#define R1MASK 0x07FFFF /* 19 bits, numbered 0..18 */
#define R2MASK 0x3FFFFF /* 22 bits, numbered 0..21 */
#define R3MASK 0x7FFFFF /* 23 bits, numbered 0..22 */
#define R4MASK 0x01FFFF /* 17 bits, numbered 0..16 */
/* A bit of R4 that controls each of the shift registers */
#define R4TAP1 0x000400 /* bit 10 */
#define R4TAP2 0x000008 /* bit 3 */
#define R4TAP3 0x000080 /* bit 7 */
/* Feedback taps, for clocking the shift registers.
* These correspond to the primitive polynomials
* x^19 + x^18 + x^17 + x^14 + 1, x^22 + x^21 + 1,
* x^23 + x^22 + x^21 + x^8 + 1, and x^16 + x^11 + 1. */
#define R1TAPS 0x072000 /* bits 18,17,16,13 */
#define R2TAPS 0x300000 /* bits 21,20 */
#define R3TAPS 0x700080 /* bits 22,21,20,7 */
#define R4TAPS 0x010800 /* bits 16,11 */
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned long word;
typedef word bit;
/* Calculate the parity of a 32-bit word, i.e. the sum of its bits modulo 2
bit parity(word x) {
x ^= x>>16;
x ^= x>>8;
x ^= x>>4;
x ^= x>>2;
x ^= x>>1;
return x&1;
/* Clock one shift register. For A5/2, when the last bit of the frame
* is loaded in, one particular bit of each register is forced to '1';
* that bit is passed in as the last argument. */
word clockone(word reg, word mask, word taps, word loaded_bit) {
word t = reg & taps;
reg = (reg << 1) & mask;
reg |= parity(t);
reg |= loaded_bit;
return reg;
/* The three shift registers. */
word R1, R2, R3;
word R4;
/* Return 1 iff at least two of the parameter words are non-zero. */
bit majority(word w1, word w2, word w3) {
int sum = (w1 != 0) + (w2 != 0) + (w3 != 0);
if (sum >= 2)
return 1;
return 0;
/* For A5/2,
* use particular bits of R4 instead of the middle bits. Also, for A5/2,
* always clock R4.
* If allP == 1, clock all three of R1,R2,R3, ignoring their middle bits.
* This is only used for key setup. If loaded == 1, then this is the last
* bit of the frame number, and if we're doing A5/2, we have to set a
* particular bit in each of the four registers. */
void clock(int allP, int loaded) {
bit maj = majority(R4&R4TAP1, R4&R4TAP2, R4&R4TAP3);
if (allP || (((R4&R4TAP1)!=0) == maj))
R1 = clockone(R1, R1MASK, R1TAPS, loaded<<15);
if (allP || (((R4&R4TAP2)!=0) == maj))
R2 = clockone(R2, R2MASK, R2TAPS, loaded<<16);
if (allP || (((R4&R4TAP3)!=0) == maj))
R3 = clockone(R3, R3MASK, R3TAPS, loaded<<18);
R4 = clockone(R4, R4MASK, R4TAPS, loaded<<10);
/* Generate an output bit from the current state.
* You grab a bit from each register via the output generation taps;
* then you XOR the resulting three bits. For A5/2, in addition to
* the top bit of each of R1,R2,R3, also XOR in a majority function
* of three particular bits of the register (one of them complemented)
* to make it non-linear. Also, for A5/2, delay the output by one
* clock cycle for some reason. */
bit getbit() {
bit topbits = (((R1 >> 18) ^ (R2 >> 21) ^ (R3 >> 22)) & 0x01);
static bit delaybit = 0;
bit nowbit = delaybit;
delaybit = (
^ majority(R1&0x8000, (~R1)&0x4000, R1&0x1000)
^ majority((~R2)&0x10000, R2&0x2000, R2&0x200)
^ majority(R3&0x40000, R3&0x10000, (~R3)&0x2000)
return nowbit;
/* Do the A5 key setup. This routine accepts a 64-bit key and
* a 22-bit frame number. */
void keysetup(byte key[8], word frame) {
int i;
bit keybit, framebit;
/* Zero out the shift registers. */
R1 = R2 = R3 = 0;
R4 = 0;
/* Load the key into the shift registers,
* LSB of first byte of key array first,
* clocking each register once for every
* key bit loaded. (The usual clock
* control rule is temporarily disabled.) */
for (i=0; i<64; i++) {
clock(1,0); /* always clock */
keybit = (key[i/8] >> (i&7)) & 1; /* The i-th bit of the key */
R1 ^= keybit; R2 ^= keybit; R3 ^= keybit;
R4 ^= keybit;
/* For A5/2, signal when the last bit is being clocked in. */
for (i=0; i<22; i++) {
clock(1,i==21); /* always clock */
framebit = (frame >> i) & 1; /* The i-th bit of the frame # */
R1 ^= framebit; R2 ^= framebit; R3 ^= framebit;
R4 ^= framebit;
/* Run the shift registers for 100 clocks
* to mix the keying material and frame number
* together with output generation disabled,
* so that there is sufficient avalanche.
* We re-enable the majority-based clock control
* rule from now on. */
for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
/* For A5/2, we have to load the delayed output bit. This does _not_
* change the state of the registers. */
/* Now the key is properly set up. */
/* Generate output. We generate 228 bits of
* keystream output. The first 114 bits is for
* the A->B frame; the next 114 bits is for the
* B->A frame. You allocate a 15-byte buffer
* for each direction, and this function fills
* it in. */
void run(byte AtoBkeystream[], byte BtoAkeystream[]) {
int i;
/* Zero out the output buffers. */
for (i=0; i<=113/8; i++)
AtoBkeystream[i] = BtoAkeystream[i] = 0;
/* Generate 114 bits of keystream for the
* A->B direction. Store it, MSB first. */
for (i=0; i<114; i++) {
AtoBkeystream[i/8] |= getbit() << (7-(i&7));
/* Generate 114 bits of keystream for the
* B->A direction. Store it, MSB first. */
for (i=0; i<114; i++) {
BtoAkeystream[i/8] |= getbit() << (7-(i&7));
/* Test the code by comparing it against
* a known-good test vector. */
void test() {
byte key[8] = {0x00, 0xfc, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
word frame = 0x21;
byte goodAtoB[15] = { 0xf4, 0x51, 0x2c, 0xac, 0x13, 0x59, 0x37,
0x64, 0x46, 0x0b, 0x72, 0x2d, 0xad, 0xd5, 0x00 };
byte goodBtoA[15] = { 0x48, 0x00, 0xd4, 0x32, 0x8e, 0x16, 0xa1,
0x4d, 0xcd, 0x7b, 0x97, 0x22, 0x26, 0x51, 0x00 };
byte AtoB[15], BtoA[15];
int i, failed=0;
keysetup(key, frame);
run(AtoB, BtoA);
/* Compare against the test vector. */
for (i=0; i<15; i++)
if (AtoB[i] != goodAtoB[i])
failed = 1;
for (i=0; i<15; i++)
if (BtoA[i] != goodBtoA[i])
failed = 1;
/* Print some debugging output. */
printf("key: 0x");
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
printf("%02X", key[i]);
printf("frame number: 0x%06X\n", (unsigned int)frame);
printf("known good output:\n");
printf(" A->B: 0x");
for (i=0; i<15; i++)
printf("%02X", goodAtoB[i]);
printf(" B->A: 0x");
for (i=0; i<15; i++)
printf("%02X", goodBtoA[i]);
printf("observed output:\n");
printf(" A->B: 0x");
for (i=0; i<15; i++)
printf("%02X", AtoB[i]);
printf(" B->A: 0x");
for (i=0; i<15; i++)
printf("%02X", BtoA[i]);
if (!failed) {
printf("Self-check succeeded: everything looks ok.\n");
} else {
/* Problems! The test vectors didn't compare*/
int main(void) {
return 0;
- Used in satellite phones
- Based on 4 LFSR registers.
Content Scramble System¶
- Used in DVDs for encryption and DRM.