- Do not use
- Has biases for the first X output information.
- It also has biases for all output information.
- The Key Scheduling Algorithm is bad
Key Reuse¶
you can’t re-use the same RC4 keystream to encrypt two different messages
Bit Flip Attacks¶
Padding Oracle
Bit Bias¶
When using random inputs the Second Bit
Fluhrer, Mantin and Shamir attack¶
- A 16-byte key can be computed from about 960 such keystreams because of the coloration of the outputs
- The usually ways to fix this is dont use the first 3072 bytes of the output
- Don't concat the IV to the key. Hash them instead.
In WEP if the IV is predictable either by a random number generator or other way it makes it easy to figure out the first byte of the keystream. Since RC4 only generates one byte at a time it makes it easy to figure out the next byte and continue down the line.
Klein, Dropping and Hashing¶
- Reduces the operations needed to find the IV from a few million to 20,000
from cryptopals_lib import *
def key_schedule(input_key):
key_len = len(input_key)
#Just a list of 0-255
s_box = [x for x in range(256)]
acc = 0
for i in range(256):
acc += s_box[i] + input_key[i % key_len]
acc %= 256
#Swap the index I with the acc index
s_box[acc], s_box[i] = s_box[i], s_box[acc]
return s_box
def psudo_random_genreator(s_box):
acc = 0
i = 0
while True:
acc += 1
acc %= 256
i += s_box[acc]
i %= 256
#Swap the index I with the acc index
s_box[acc], s_box[i] = s_box[i], s_box[acc]
index = (s_box[acc] + s_box[i]) % 256
output = s_box[index]
#print(index, output)
yield output
def RC4(key):
#Generate the s_box from the secret key
s_box = key_schedule(key)
#Generate Keystream from s_box
return psudo_random_genreator(s_box)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Test Vectors from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6229
key_stream = RC4(bytes_to_intarray(b"\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05", 1))
output_data = b""
for _ in range(32):
output_data += int_to_bytes(next(key_stream))
assert(output_data.hex() == "b2396305f03dc027ccc3524a0a1118a86982944f18fc82d589c403a47a0d0919")