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TEA (Tiny Encryption Algorithm)

  • Was used in the original Xbox
  • 64 bit blocks
  • 128 bit key


Equivalent key attack



import math
from cryptopals_lib import *

class TEA():
    MAX_UINT = 0xffffffff
    DELTA = 0x9E3779B9 #2654435769
    INIT_TEMP = 0xC6EF3720

    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = bytes_to_intarray(key, 4)
        if len(self.key) != 4:
            raise ValueException("Key is not 16 bytes long")

    def encrypt(self, plaintext):
        output = []
        #Split input
        int_plaintext = bytes_to_intarray(plaintext, 4)
        #Pad so its a mult of 2
        if len(int_plaintext) %2 == 1:

        #Split into chunks of length 2
        for idx in range(0, len(int_plaintext), 2):
            output += self._block_encrypt(int_plaintext[idx], int_plaintext[idx + 1])

        return intarray_to_bytes(output, 4)

    def _block_encrypt(self, y, z):
        temp = 0#INIT_TEMP

        #32 Rounds
        for _ in range(32):
            temp = asint32(temp + self.DELTA)
            y = asint32(y + (
                    asint32(asint32(z << 4) + self.key[0]) ^
                    asint32(z + temp) ^
                    asint32((z >> 5) + self.key[1])
            z = asint32(z + (
                    asint32(asint32(y << 4) + self.key[2]) ^
                    asint32(y + temp) ^
                    asint32((y >> 5) + self.key[3])

        return [y,z]

    def decrypt(self, ciphertext):
        output = []
        #Split input
        int_ciphertext = bytes_to_intarray(ciphertext, 4)

        #Split into chunks of length 2
        for idx in range(0, len(int_ciphertext), 2):
            output += self._block_decrypt(int_ciphertext[idx], int_ciphertext[idx + 1])

        return intarray_to_bytes(output, 4)

    def _block_decrypt(self, y, z):
        temp = self.INIT_TEMP

        #32 Rounds
        for _ in range(32):
            z = asint32(z - (
                    asint32(asint32(y << 4) + self.key[2]) ^
                    asint32(y + temp) ^
                    asint32((y >> 5) + self.key[3])
            y = asint32(y - (
                    asint32(asint32(z << 4) + self.key[0]) ^
                    asint32(z + temp) ^
                    asint32((z >> 5) + self.key[1])

            temp = asint32(temp - self.DELTA)

        return [y,z]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #Test Vectors

    key = hex_to_bytes("00000000000000000000000000000000")
    tea = TEA(key)
    message = b"\x00" * 8
    ciphertext = tea.encrypt(message)
    print(f"Ciphertext: {ciphertext.hex()}")
    #Ciphertext: 0a3aea4140a9ba94
    message2 = tea.decrypt(ciphertext)
    print(f"Message: {message2.hex()}")
    #Message: 0000000000000000

    key = hex_to_bytes("00000000000000000000000000000000")
    tea = TEA(key)
    message = b"\x04\x03\x02\x01\x08\x07\x06\x05"
    ciphertext = tea.encrypt(message)
    print(f"Ciphertext: {ciphertext.hex()}")
    #Ciphertext: f39c2f6a553ccffc
    message2 = tea.decrypt(ciphertext)
    print(f"Message: {message2.hex()}")
    #Message: 0403020108070605

    key = hex_to_bytes("33221100 77665544 BBAA9988 FFEEDDCC")
    tea = TEA(key)
    message = b"\x04\x03\x02\x01\x08\x07\x06\x05"
    ciphertext = tea.encrypt(message)
    print(f"Ciphertext: {ciphertext.hex()}")
    #Ciphertext: a2c0b1deb35d747e
    message2 = tea.decrypt(ciphertext)
    print(f"Message: {message2.hex()}")
    #Message: 0403020108070605

    key = hex_to_bytes("33221100 77665544 BBAA9988 FFEEDDCC")
    tea = TEA(key)
    message = b"\x67\x45\x23\x01\xEF\xCD\xAB\x89"
    ciphertext = tea.encrypt(message)
    print(f"Ciphertext: {ciphertext.hex()}")
    #Ciphertext: 926b6c123e3a65c0
    message2 = tea.decrypt(ciphertext)
    print(f"Message: {message2.hex()}")
    #Message: 67452301efcdab89