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HVZK (Square Free)

This proof is used to show that a number does not contain a square.

Interactive protocol


from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse, getRandomInteger, getStrongPrime, isPrime
from math import gcd

def prime_product_constant(max_const=65537):
	print("Calculating Prime Const")
	i = 5
	ret = 1*2*3
	while i < max_const:
		if isPrime(i):
			ret *= i
	return ret

def verifier_part1(size, num_challenges):
	#Randomly generate challenges
	return [getRandomInteger(size//2) for _ in range(num_challenges)]

def prover_part2(size, challenges):
	#Generate Key
	print("Generating Key")
	mykey = RSA.generate(size)
	private_p, private_q, public_n, private_phi = [mykey.p, mykey.q, mykey.n, (mykey.p - 1) * (mykey.q - 1)]

	#Calculate the inverse for the power
	m = inverse(public_n, private_phi)

	#Calculate Proofs
	# challenge ^ m % N
	return [public_n, [pow(chal, m, public_n) for chal in challenges]]

def verifier_part3(challenges, proofs, public_n, alpha_const=319567):
	#Check Varables
	assert public_n > 1

	#Check that N is not devisible by primes smaller than 65537, or 319567
	prime_product = prime_product_constant(alpha_const)
	assert gcd(prime_product, public_n) == 1

	#Check that proof is greater than 0
	for proof in proofs:
		assert (proof % public_n) > 0

	#Validate Challenges
	for idx in range(num_challenges):
		#Compute test
		tmp = pow(proofs[idx], public_n, public_n)

		#Check that chal^m = proof^N

		#print(f"Testing Proof {challenges[idx]}, {tmp}")
		assert tmp == challenges[idx]

	return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
	num_challenges = 5
	size = 1024

	#Get challenges from Verifier
	challenges = verifier_part1(size, num_challenges)

	#Generate Profs from the challenges 
	public_n, proofs = prover_part2(size, challenges)

	#From the proofs verify that they are correct
	valid = verifier_part3(challenges, proofs, public_n)

	print(f"Challenges have been confirmed: {valid}")

Non-Interactive Protocol

The main part of this protocol is using a common random number generator so that it is unique and static for each side


from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse, getRandomInteger, getStrongPrime, isPrime
from math import gcd
import hashlib

def prime_product_constant(max_const=65537):
	print("Calculating Prime Const")
	i = 5
	ret = 1*2*3
	while i <= max_const:
		if isPrime(i):
			ret *= i
	return ret

def generate_challenges(size, public_n, num_challenges, salt="squarefreeproof", hash_obj=hashlib.shake_256):
	counter = 0

	outputs = []

	#print(f"size: {size}, public_n: {public_n}, num_challenges: {num_challenges}")

	while len(outputs) < num_challenges:
		#Generate Order of inputs
		hash_list = [str(public_n), str(num_challenges), salt, str(counter)]

		#Generate String to hash with sizes
		hash_list = [str(len(s)) + s for s in hash_list]

		#Join to gether with "|"
		str_input = "|" + "|".join(hash_list)
		hash_output = hash_obj(str_input.encode("utf8")).digest(size//8)
		#print(f"hash_in:{str_input.encode("utf8")}, hash_out:{hash_output}")
		hash_int = (int.from_bytes(hash_output, byteorder='little') % public_n)

		#Check that gcd(hash_int,N)=1
		if gcd(hash_int, public_n) == 1:

		counter += 1
	return outputs

def prover_part1(size, num_challenges):
	#Generate Key
	print("Generating Key")
	mykey = RSA.generate(size)
	private_p, private_q, public_n, private_phi = [mykey.p, mykey.q, mykey.n, (mykey.p - 1) * (mykey.q - 1)]

	#Randomly generate challenges
	challenges = generate_challenges(size, public_n, num_challenges)
	#print(f"Challenges: {challenges}")

	#Calculate the inverse for the power
	m = inverse(public_n, private_phi)

	#Calculate Proofs
	# challenge ^ m % N
	proofs = [pow(chal, m, public_n) for chal in challenges]
	#print(f"Proofs: {proofs}")

	return [public_n, proofs]

def verifier_part2(size, public_n, proofs, alpha_const=319567):
	#Check Varables
	assert public_n > 1

	#Check that N is not divisible by primes smaller than 65537, or 319567
	prime_product = prime_product_constant(alpha_const)
	assert gcd(prime_product, public_n) == 1

	#Check that proof is greater than 0
	for proof in proofs:
		assert (proof % public_n) > 0

	#Generate Challenges
	challenges = generate_challenges(size, public_n, len(proofs))
	#print(f"Challenges: {challenges}")

	#Validate Challenges
	for idx in range(len(challenges)):
		#Compute test
		tmp = pow(proofs[idx], public_n, public_n)

		#Challenge = proof^n

		#print(f"Testing Proof {challenges[idx]}, {tmp}")
		assert tmp == challenges[idx]

	return True


if __name__ == '__main__':
	num_challenges = 5
	size = 1024

	#Get challenges from Verifier
	public_n, proofs = prover_part1(size, num_challenges)

	#Generate Profs from the challenges 
	valid = verifier_part2(size, public_n, proofs)

	print(f"Challenges have been confirmed: {valid}")


Input validation: Insure checks for valid transmitted values
Implicit Trust of Prover:
- Ensure generator_g and mod_q are valid known values
- recalculate and check the random_c from the hashed values
Missing Values:
- if shared_h or shared_u are missing its a major issue
- if generator_g or mod_q are missing it might be an issue
Weak Randomness:
- If there are two separate verifications with the same secret_r with different data this can leak the secret_x.
Replay Attacks: Ensure there is a ID to both the verifier and prover to prevent replay attacks

Malicious Versifiers (Interactive)

If the versifier sends non random values to the prover it is possible to factor N by learning of phi(N).

Malicious Prover with non uniform values (Interactive/Non-Interactive)

The Prover can choose random proof values and then generate the correct challenge variables. This only works if the generation is not random

challenge = pow(fake_proof, public_n, public_n)

Malicious Prover (Non-Interactive)

  1. Dont trust the challenge values provided by the prover. Generate them yourself.
    • You could just sent challenge = 1 and proof = 1
  2. If the proof is not validated mod N then you can use proof + kN for replaying
  3. Not trusting the size of the verifications from the prover