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Double Free

Double Free

Fastbin Duplication Example

By using a double free you can return the same pointer twice. This allows modification of the data to one object that will effect the other.


a = malloc(10);     // 0xa04010
b = malloc(10);     // 0xa04030
c = malloc(10);     // 0xa04050

// head -> a -> tail
free(b);  // There is a check to make sure that a freed pointer is not freed immediately again. This is mitigated by freeing a different chunk. 
// head -> b -> a -> tail
free(a);  // Double Free !!
// head -> a -> b -> a -> tail

d = malloc(10);     // 0xa04010
// head -> b -> a -> tail [ 'a' is returned ]
e = malloc(10);     // 0xa04030
// head -> a -> tail      [ 'b' is returned ]
f = malloc(10);     // 0xa04010   - Same as 'd' !
// head -> tail           [ 'a' is returned ]

FastBin Duplication Consolidation

By freeing a small fastbin block and then mallocing a huge chunk the fastbin chunk is moved to the unsorted bin.
This allows the same chunk to be freed again since the chunk is in two places on the stack

FastBin Duplication into Stack