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Heap Exploitation

Heap Exploitation


Windows 7 Heap Implementation
Heap Overflow Exploitation on Windows 10 Explained

Heap Buffer Overflows

  • Are more tricker to gain code execution.
  • These are usually exploited by rewriting some other data on the heap.
    • This can be another string or another object or class.

Heap Spraying

  • Allocate a lot of memory until some allocation is always places at a known address
  • Works on a low ASLR entropy of heap base
void spray(){
	const size_t size  = 0x4000; //Page Size
	const size_t count = (256 * 1024 * 1024) / size; //256MB

	for (int i=0; i < count; i++){
		int* chunk = malloc(size);
		*chunk = 0x41414141;

	int addr = (int*)0x110000000;
	printf("0x110000000: 0x%x\n", *addr);
	//0x110000000: 0x41414141

First Fit

  • The last element to be freed is the first one to be allocated.
    • Operates like a stack. Last in First out (LIFO)

Unsorted Example

char *a = malloc(300);    // 0xe4b0010
char *b = malloc(250);    // 0xe4b0150


a = malloc(250);          // 0xe4b0010

Fastbin Example

char *a = malloc(20);     // 0xe4b010
char *b = malloc(20);     // 0xe4b030
char *c = malloc(20);     // 0xe4b050
char *d = malloc(20);     // 0xe4b070

// head -> a -> tail
// head -> b -> a -> tail
// head -> c -> b -> a -> tail
// head -> d -> c -> b -> a -> tail

a = malloc(20);           // 0xe4b070
// head -> c -> b -> a -> tail [ 'd' is returned ]
b = malloc(20);           // 0xe4b050
// head -> b -> a -> tail      [ 'c' is returned ]
c = malloc(20);           // 0xe4b030
// head -> a -> tail           [ 'b' is returned ]
d = malloc(20);           // 0xe4b010
// head -> tail                [ 'a' is returned ]

House of Force (Arbitrary write)

  • By corrupting the Top chunk of the heap you trick the heap in to thinking it has more room then it does.
  • Using this you can malloc a huge piece of data to wraparound the address space.
    • Doing this with the proper size will put the chunk right before the address that you want to write to
  • Then do another malloc and you have a pointer to the address that you want to write to.


Double Free

Fastbin Duplication Example

By using a Double Free you can return the same pointer twice. This allows modification of the data to one object that will effect the other.


a = malloc(10);     // 0xa04010
b = malloc(10);     // 0xa04030
c = malloc(10);     // 0xa04050

// head -> a -> tail
free(b);  // There is a check to make sure that a freed pointer is not freed immediately again. This is mitigated by freeing a different chunk. 
// head -> b -> a -> tail
free(a);  // Double Free !!
// head -> a -> b -> a -> tail

d = malloc(10);     // 0xa04010
// head -> b -> a -> tail [ 'a' is returned ]
e = malloc(10);     // 0xa04030
// head -> a -> tail      [ 'b' is returned ]
f = malloc(10);     // 0xa04010   - Same as 'd' !
// head -> tail           [ 'a' is returned ]

FastBin Duplication Consolidation

By freeing a small fastbin block and then mallocing a huge chunk the fastbin chunk is moved to the unsorted bin.
This allows the same chunk to be freed again.

House of Force (Arbitrary write)

  • By corrupting the Top chunk of the heap you trick the heap in to thinking it has more room then it does.
  • Using this you can malloc a huge piece of data to wraparound the address space.
    • Doing this with the proper size will put the chunk right before the address that you want to write to
  • Then do another malloc and you have a pointer to the address that you want to write to.


Single Byte Overflow

  • You can update the Size field of a chunk and use it to gain control of a malloc chunk