HID Prox ID¶
- Low Frequency 125 Khz
- Static ID
- Easily broken uses a worldwide standard key
- This was recovered by REs
Read Card:
[usb] pm3 --> lf search
[=] Note: False Positives ARE possible
[=] Checking for known tags...
[!] Specify one authentication mode
[+] [H10301 ] HID H10301 26-bit FC: 99 CN: 18432 parity ( fail )
[+] [ind26 ] Indala 26-bit FC: 1588 CN: 2048 parity ( fail )
[=] found 2 matching formats
[+] DemodBuffer:
[+] 1D5555555565A56996555556
[=] raw: 000000000000000004c69001
[+] Valid HID Prox ID found!
[+] Chipset detection: EM4x05 / EM4x69
[?] Hint: try `lf em 4x05` commands
Clone Card:
[usb] pm3 --> lf hid reader
[+] [H10301 ] HID H10301 26-bit FC: 99 CN: 18432 parity ( fail )
[+] [ind26 ] Indala 26-bit FC: 1588 CN: 2048 parity ( fail )
[=] found 2 matching formats
[+] DemodBuffer:
[+] 1D5555555565A56996555556
[=] raw: 000000000000000004c69001
[usb] pm3 --> lf hid clone -w H10301 --fc 99 --cn 18432
[=] Preparing to clone HID tag
[+] [H10301 ] HID H10301 26-bit FC: 99 CN: 18432 parity ( ok )
[=] Done
[?] Hint: try `lf hid reader` to verify
[usb] pm3 --> lf hid reader
[+] [H10301 ] HID H10301 26-bit FC: 99 CN: 18432 parity ( ok )
[+] [ind26 ] Indala 26-bit FC: 1588 CN: 2048 parity ( ok )
[=] found 2 matching formats
[+] DemodBuffer:
[+] 1D5559555569A56996555555
[=] raw: 000000000000002006c69000
Indala FlexSecur¶
- Operates at 125kHz