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Change Key

Backup Disk Header:

>>> lsblk
NAME                                            MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE  MOUNTPOINTS
nvme0n1                                         259:0    0 465.8G  0 disk
├─nvme0n1p1                                     259:1    0   1.9G  0 part  /boot
└─nvme0n1p2                                     259:2    0 463.9G  0 part
  └─crypt                                       254:0    0 463.8G  0 crypt
    ├─lvm-swap                                  254:1    0    32G  0 lvm
    └─lvm-root                                  254:2    0 431.8G  0 lvm   /
>>> sudo cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup /dev/nvme0n1p2 --header-backup-file /tmp/luksheader

Restore Header if needed:

sudo cryptsetup luksHeaderRestore /dev/nvme0n1p2 --header-backup-file luksheader

Check Header Information:

>>> sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/nvme0n1p2
[sudo] password for generalzero:
LUKS header information
Version:        2
Epoch:          3
Metadata area:  16384 [bytes]
Keyslots area:  16744448 [bytes]
UUID:           8d0afcd0-4b23-426f-949f-61155f554cdc
Label:          (no label)
Subsystem:      (no subsystem)
Flags:          (no flags)

Data segments:
  0: crypt
        offset: 16777216 [bytes]
        length: (whole device)
        cipher: aes-xts-plain64
        sector: 512 [bytes]

  0: luks2
        Key:        512 bits
        Priority:   normal
        Cipher:     aes-xts-plain64
        Cipher key: 512 bits
        PBKDF:      argon2id
        Time cost:  36
        Memory:     1048576
        Threads:    4
        Salt:       57 bc 5a 6e 36 26 03 f8 c6 50 46 dc 48 03 da e2
                    0d 48 81 9b 0e d8 01 65 04 3a f3 10 f0 f7 26 ae
        AF stripes: 4000
        AF hash:    sha512
        Area offset:32768 [bytes]
        Area length:258048 [bytes]
        Digest ID:  0
  0: pbkdf2
        Hash:       sha512
        Iterations: 173835
        Salt:       b5 f3 22 2d e3 eb 1e fe f6 be 62 37 a3 8a c8 6a
                    ec 04 59 92 68 ad 48 c1 67 1f 8f 2b 35 e8 60 ca
        Digest:     df 7f a8 95 c8 ff eb f9 24 d6 d1 eb 23 4f 7d 60
                    35 ff ba 16 bd 41 d5 d6 ec 1b 25 f6 cb 44 7b b9
                    bf a5 f1 c1 13 f5 12 34 ff e9 67 22 dc 47 3d f5
                    02 63 2e 18 e5 ac ad 02 93 1e ed 0f 15 1b 21 74

Change Key Generation Algorithm:

>>> sudo cryptsetup luksConvertKey /dev/nvme0n1p2 --pbkdf argon2id
Enter passphrase for keyslot to be converted:
