Android TestCases
Android Test Cases¶
- Root/Runtime Detection
- SuperSU
- RootCloak
- Magisk
- Hide Magisk Manager
- Magisk Hide
- Magisk Core Only
- Systemless
- Frida
- Xposed
- SuperSU
- Can Application be Modified and Resigned
- use checksum or digital signature
- View Application Manifest File
- Look for debug flag
- Look for backup flag
- Look for IPC info
- Look at permissions
- Look for hard coded information in APK
- Obfuscation is enabled.
- Also Third party libraries
- ptrace application is disabled
- binaries is stripped
- Can Application be Modified and Resigned
- Network
- Connections using SSL
- Check networkSecurityConfig for exceptions
- Does the application use Certificate Pinning
- How easy is it to bypass
- Can you modify the Message
- Does the Request signed?
- What is the Session Token
- SSL Cipher Check on servers
- Data Storage
- Check Runtime for short lived files using fsmon
- Look at Cache Information
- Look for sensitive data in unencrypted files
- Look for data stored outside the application directory like the /sdcard/
- Check File Permissions and ownership
- This is valid on less than Android 7.0 (API level 24)
- Look sensitive data in SQLite files
- Cookie Database
- Cookies should be contain HTTPonly and Secure flags
- Cookie Database
- What is stored in the Shared Preferences Folder
- Are files stored in the attachments folder
- HTTP Cache data
- Crash Logs should not contain sensitive data
- Check Runtime for short lived files using fsmon
- Crypto
- Look at Block Size
- Look at Key Size
- Look at Cipher
- Look at API versions
- Check in insecure Random
-Signature - Key is not stored as a String
- Log Information contains Sensitive Data
- Authentication Bypass
- DeviceID should not be used as the only authentication
- How is the pin verified
- Is it stored on the device
- How are the secrets encrypted or validated
- Does the pin work if the device is offline
- Can it be bypassed
- Does the app reset the pin count when backgrounded or killed
- How hard to bruteforce
- If a Device Fingerprint is added does the flow change.
- How are the secrets encrypted or validated
- Lock
- Application is locked out when backgrounded
- Application is locked out when switching applications or after a maximum of 15 mins timeout
- Application is locked when device is locked
- Using Device Tokens
- Are these devices tokens revocable by the server?
- Android AccountManager
- What is stored in the /data/system/users/0/accounts.db
- Can Third Party applications request this information?
- What is in the Keystore
- How is the keystore information stored and encrypted
- Should not user Bouncy Castle Keystore (BKS)
- Is key invalidated on new fingerprint enrollment?
- Is keystore accessible without screen unlock? (unlockedDeviceRequied)
- Excessive Android Permissions
- Intents
- Sensitive Information should not be transmitted this way
- Use Explicit Intents for internal data
- Exported intents should check caller's identity
- Exported intents should not use Serializable Objects (getSerializable/putSerializable)
- PendingIntents should be specified with a component name
- Activities
- Is activity exported
- Does it check the Origin of the Activity
- Does it have insecure Normal, or Dangerous permissions
- Does it provide input validation on the parameters.
- Has the FLAG_SECURE flag?
- Is activity exported
- Broadcast Checks
- Is sensitive data passed in Broadcasts
- Does it provide input validation on the parameters.
- Is Broadcast Exported?
- Is the Origin checked?
- Services
- Is service Exported
- Does it have insecure Normal, or Dangerous permissions
- Does it provide input validation on the parameters.
- Is service Exported
- Content Providers
- Is Content Provider Exported
- Does it have insecure Normal, or Dangerous permissions
- Are parameters vulnerable to SQLi
- Is Content Provider Exported
- Screenshot
- Contains sensitive data when backgrounded
- Keyboard
- Prevent the Keyboard caching sensitive data.
- The application should not allow Third-Party Keyboards
- TapJacking
- Is setFilterTouchesWhenObscured(boolean) or android:filterTouchesWhenObscured layout attribute to true.
- Or onFilterTouchEventForSecurity(MotionEvent) overwritten
- Web Views
- setJavaScriptEnabled
- setPluginsEnabled, setPluginState
- setAllowFileAccess
- setGeolocationEnabled
- Are URLs checked before loaded? (shouldOverrideUrlLoading/shouldInterceptRequest)
- addJavascriptInterface
- XSS attacks
- android:usesCleartextTraffic not set
- Look for Injection Vulnerabilities
- Check Third party libraries for version and security vulnerabilities
- Can Userinput be provided to a dangerous function?
- Can Userinput be provided to fixed buffer?