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IP Addresses

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Get Info about Domain

Generate unicode evil domains for IDN Homograph Attack and detect them.
Subdomain Bruteforce tool
Scan for Hostile Domain Takeover list of subdomains and see which are unregistered
Find DNS names from IP that are near other IPs
Search info related to a Domain
Analyse Domain for Information
Subdomain enumeration and information gathering tool
E-mails, subdomains and names Harvester
Enumerate subdomains of websites using OSINT

WIFI Names

Get Location of Wifi names
Get Location from WIFI names
public domain wireless geolocation database

Automated Finding IPs behind CloudFlair

Set your Censys Secret before scanning

docker run --rm -e CENSYS_API_ID=your-id -e CENSYS_API_SECRET=your-secret christophetd/cloudflair 

Manual Finding IPs behind CloudFlair or Tor

Search for Certificate:
Use Censys with the search term parsed.names: and tags.raw: trusted. Then click Explore -> What is using this Certificate -> IPv4 Hosts

Search for Hash of Certificate:
Use Censys with the Certificate hash. Then click Explore -> What is using this Certificate -> IPv4 Hosts

Look at Previous DNS addresses for that IP using Security Trails

Search for Unique Headers:
Use Censys with the search term 80.http.get.headers.<headername>: <headervalue>. Then click Explore -> What is using this Certificate -> IPv4 Hosts

Search for Analatics Tracking Code:
Use Shodan with the search term http.html%3AUA-32023260-1.