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WPA Enterprise

WPA/WPA2 Enterprise

  • Each uses has different keys
  • Uses a Radius Server
  • Same Key attacks for enterprise
  • EAP credentials susceptible to interception
    • Can be prevented by TLS
  • Should use PIKI to authenticate clients and servers.

Access Point is a intermediary between the client and the authentication server. Handshake is made to both the client and authentication server before passing the credentials. If the credentials are encrypted, I don't believe they are visible by the access point and the supplicant will, if using ssl/tls, see the authentication servers certificate.

There are a considerable number of acronyms which are pertinent to enterprise authentication. The main ones are:
- EAP - An authentication mechanism - commonly username and password
- LEAP - A cisco protocol - aimed at making up deficiencies in WEP.
- PEAP - Protected EAP - Tunnelling it via TLS
- EAP-TTLS - EAP's specific Tunnelling via TLS

RADIUS Impersonation

Using hostapd-wpe, LoOtBoOty and KARMA can get credentials from EAP, TTLS
Docker Files

Evil Twin attacks

  1. A users system connects to a rogue access point
  2. The certificate presented will likely generate an error, although, some clients are automatically configured to silently continue
  3. If they continue, credentials will be submitted to an adversary
  4. The credentials are usually in hashed format and can be cracked through brute force password attacks
  5. Credentials, if found, can then be used against secondary systems or if the WiFI access point does not perform mutual auth, against that access point.



Generate Valid Certificate from LetsEncrypt
1. Get a Fully Qualified Domain Name
2. Download and run Certbot
3. Copy Certificate to $EAPHammer/certs
4. Modify $EAPHammer/conf/hostapd-wpe.conf
5. Set ca_cert=./certs/ca.pem
5. Set server_cert=./certs/server.pem
5. Set private_key=./certs/server.pem
5. Set private_key_passwd=password123
5. Set dh_file=./certs/dh

WPA3 Enterprise

WPA3 Enterprise only supports certificates