Content Scramble System (CSS)
- Used for DVD DRM
- Uses M6 block cipher
- Only 40-bits encryption key
- Could brute force in 18 seconds with 450MHz Pentium III
- Multi Keys
- Authentication Key
- Title Keys
- Disk Keys
- Player Keys
- Disk Key Block
Advanced Access Content System (AACSv1)
- DRM HD-DVD and blue-ray
- Uses AES128 and SHA1
- Uses AES-G3 as a hash function?
- Used software that could read disks and dumped memory for keys
- Also the PS3 vulns helped leaking keys
Advanced Access Content System (AACSv2)
- Used in 4K Bluray releases
- Only works with Intel and Windows with SGX
- Finally broken with Shim and full attestation reimplemented in python
SecuROM 7
Breaking SecuROM 7