Off the shelf GPS are supposed to not work beyond a certain height 18,000 m and/or speed 515 m/s to be a barrier for use as a weapon
Using Partial GPS information to get better tracking in an Urban Area
GPS Receiver GPS Math
Assisted GPS¶
Because getting GPS position data from the Satellites is slow most phones get the Satellite position data from the internet.
Block IIR:
- IIR-2
- IIR-4
- IIR-5
- IIR-8
- IIR-9
- IIR-11
Block IIR-M:
- IIRM-1
- IIRM-2
- IIRM-3
- IIRM-4
- IIRM-5
- IIRM-6
- IIRM-8
Block IIF:
- IIF-1
- IIF-3
- IIF-4
- IIF-5
- IIF-6
- IIF-7
- IIF-8
- IIF-9
- IIF-10
- IIF-12
- III-1
- III-2
- III-3
- III-4
- III-5
- III-6
Test Example:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
import random
# Function to compute residuals (differences between observed and calculated distances)
def residuals(params, satellite_positions, distances):
x, y, z, delta_t = params # Position of the receiver and clock error
calculated_distances = np.sqrt((satellite_positions[:, 0] - x)**2 +
(satellite_positions[:, 1] - y)**2 +
(satellite_positions[:, 2] - z)**2) + c * delta_t
return calculated_distances - distances
# Convert (x, y, z) ECEF universe coordinates to Earth Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude (LLA)
def ecef_to_lla(x, y, z):
# WGS-84 ellipsoid constants
a = 6378137.0 # Semi-major axis in meters
e = 8.1819190842622e-2 # Eccentricity
# Calculate longitude
lon = np.arctan2(y, x)
# Iterative calculation for latitude and altitude
p = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
lat = np.arctan2(z, p * (1 - e**2))
for _ in range(5): # Iteratively improve latitude calculation
N = a / np.sqrt(1 - e**2 * np.sin(lat)**2)
alt = p / np.cos(lat) - N
lat = np.arctan2(z + e**2 * N * np.sin(lat), p)
# Convert from radians to degrees
lat = np.degrees(lat)
lon = np.degrees(lon)
return lat, lon, alt
c = 299792458 # Speed of light in meters per second
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Example satellite positions (x, y, z in meters)
satellite_positions = np.array([
[15600000, 7540000, 20140000], # Satellite 1 position
[18760000, 2750000, 18610000], # Satellite 2 position
[17610000, 14630000, 13480000], # Satellite 3 position
[19170000, 610000, 18390000], # Satellite 4 position
[15890000, 6900000, 19700000] # Satellite 5 position
# Simulated time delays from each satellite to receiver (in seconds)
# These would be the time differences observed by the GPS receiver.
# We'll assume the times have been adjusted relative to the first satellite.
time_delays = np.array([0.19122486, 0.19430291, 0.18634412, 0.19425415, 0.18664831])
# Initial guess for the receiver's position (x, y, z) and clock error (delta_t)
initial_guess = [0, 0, 0, 0]
# Convert time delays to distances
distances = (time_delays) * c # in meters
# Solve the system using least squares minimization
result = least_squares(residuals, initial_guess, args=(satellite_positions, distances))
# Extract the solution
x, y, z, delta_t = result.x
# Convert the (x, y, z) solution to Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude
latitude, longitude, altitude = ecef_to_lla(x, y, z)
print(f"Receiver position (Altitude, Latitude, Longitude): ({altitude:.2f}, {latitude:.6f}, {longitude:.6f} meters)")