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ESP32 Glitching


ESP32 Efuse Info:

$ ./ esp32/esp_efuse_table.csv --info
eFuse coding scheme: NONE
#       field_name                      efuse_block     bit_start       bit_count
1       WR_DIS_FLASH_CRYPT_CNT          EFUSE_BLK0         2               1
2       WR_DIS_BLK1                     EFUSE_BLK0         7               1
3       WR_DIS_BLK2                     EFUSE_BLK0         8               1
4       WR_DIS_BLK3                     EFUSE_BLK0         9               1
5       RD_DIS_BLK1                     EFUSE_BLK0         16              1
6       RD_DIS_BLK2                     EFUSE_BLK0         17              1
7       RD_DIS_BLK3                     EFUSE_BLK0         18              1
8       FLASH_CRYPT_CNT                 EFUSE_BLK0         20              7
9       MAC_FACTORY                     EFUSE_BLK0         32              8
10      MAC_FACTORY                     EFUSE_BLK0         40              8
11      MAC_FACTORY                     EFUSE_BLK0         48              8
12      MAC_FACTORY                     EFUSE_BLK0         56              8
13      MAC_FACTORY                     EFUSE_BLK0         64              8
14      MAC_FACTORY                     EFUSE_BLK0         72              8
15      MAC_FACTORY_CRC                 EFUSE_BLK0         80              8
16      CHIP_VER_DIS_APP_CPU            EFUSE_BLK0         96              1
17      CHIP_VER_DIS_BT                 EFUSE_BLK0         97              1
18      CHIP_VER_PKG                    EFUSE_BLK0        105              3
19      CHIP_CPU_FREQ_LOW               EFUSE_BLK0        108              1
20      CHIP_CPU_FREQ_RATED             EFUSE_BLK0        109              1
21      CHIP_VER_REV1                   EFUSE_BLK0        111              1
22      ADC_VREF_AND_SDIO_DREF          EFUSE_BLK0        136              6
23      XPD_SDIO_REG                    EFUSE_BLK0        142              1
24      SDIO_TIEH                       EFUSE_BLK0        143              1
25      SDIO_FORCE                      EFUSE_BLK0        144              1
26      ENCRYPT_CONFIG                  EFUSE_BLK0        188              4
27      CONSOLE_DEBUG_DISABLE           EFUSE_BLK0        194              1
28      ABS_DONE_0                      EFUSE_BLK0        196              1
29      DISABLE_JTAG                    EFUSE_BLK0        198              1
30      DISABLE_DL_ENCRYPT              EFUSE_BLK0        199              1
31      DISABLE_DL_DECRYPT              EFUSE_BLK0        200              1
32      DISABLE_DL_CACHE                EFUSE_BLK0        201              1
33      ENCRYPT_FLASH_KEY               EFUSE_BLK1         0              256
34      SECURE_BOOT_KEY                 EFUSE_BLK2         0              256
35      MAC_CUSTOM_CRC                  EFUSE_BLK3         0               8
36      MAC_CUSTOM                      EFUSE_BLK3         8               48
37      ADC1_TP_LOW                     EFUSE_BLK3         96              7
38      ADC1_TP_HIGH                    EFUSE_BLK3        103              9
39      ADC2_TP_LOW                     EFUSE_BLK3        112              7
40      ADC2_TP_HIGH                    EFUSE_BLK3        119              9
41      SECURE_VERSION                  EFUSE_BLK3        128              32
42      MAC_CUSTOM_VER                  EFUSE_BLK3        184              8

WR_DIS_BLK1: Write Protection on Block 1
WR_DIS_BLK2: Write Protection on Block 2
RD_DIS_BLK1: Read Protection on Block 1
RD_DIS_BLK2: Read Protection on Block 2
ABS_DONE_0: Secureboot enabled for bootloader

Setup Keys

Generate the Signing Key: generate_signing_key

Flash the AES Boot Key:

#Set the Boot Key and disable read and write burn_key secure_boot ./hello_world_k1/secure-bootloader-key-256.bin burn_efuse ABS_DONE_0

Flash the AES Flash Encryption Key:

#Generate Key generate_flash_encryption_key my_flash_encryption_key.bin

#Key Data
hexdump my_flash_encryption_key.bin 
0000000 c838 e375 7633 1541 5ff9 4365 f2dd 2ce9
0000010 1f78 42a0 bf53 8f14 68ce 009f 5586 9b52

#Flash Key and disable write and read --port /dev/ttyUSB0 burn_key flash_encryption my_flash_encryption_key.bin v2.7-dev
Write key in efuse block 1. The key block will be read and write protected (no further changes or readback). This is an irreversible operation.
Type 'BURN' (all capitals) to continue.
Burned key data. New value: 9b 52 55 86 00 9f 68 ce 8f 14 bf 53 42 a0 1f 78 2c e9 f2 dd 43 65 5f f9 15 41 76 33 e3 75 c8 38
Disabling read/write to key efuse block...

#Activate the Key burn_efuse FLASH_CRYPT_CONFIG 0xf burn_efuse FLASH_CRYPT_CNT

Compile and Flash an Application

Test Application:

void app_main()
    printf("Hello from SEC boot K1 & FE !\n");
    vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

Compile with the proper flags:

# Enable the secure boot and the flash encryption
make menuconfig

#Generate the Hash digest to validate the Application from being replaced encrypt_flash_data -k ../../my_flash_encryption_key.bin -o bootloader-reflash-digest-encrypted.bin -a 0x0 bootloader-reflash-digest.bin 

# Flash the Digest Information 
python /home/limited/esp/esp-idf/components/esptool_py/esptool/ --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 115200 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 40m --flash_size detect 0x0 /home/ limited/esp/hello_world_k1_FE/build/bootloader/bootloader-reflash-digest-encrypted.bin

# Flash the Encrypted Application to the memory address of 0x10000
# This is the Entry point for the Device and starts the decrypting (Stage 1) encrypt_flash_data -k ../my_flash_encryption_key.bin -o hello-world-encrypted.bin -a 0x10000 hello-world.bin 

# Encrypt the App Partition that starts at the offset of 0x08000
# This is the main app that is the stage 2 encrypt_flash_data -k ../my_flash_encryption_key.bin -o partitions_singleapp-encrypted.bin -a 0x08000 partitions_singleapp.bin 

# Now flash them with the appropriate offset
python /home/limited/esp/esp-idf/components/esptool_py/esptool/ --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 115200 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 40m --flash_size detect 0x10000 /home/limited/esp/hello_world_k1_FE/build/hello-world-encrypted.bin 0x8000 /home/limited/esp/hello_world_k1_FE/build/partitions_singleapp-encrypted.bin

Starting the Glitch

Read Flash Memory:

#Read Contents to file -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 460800 read_flash 0 0x400000 flash_contents.bin
#This is to make sure that it is encrypted

Without Glitching: --port /dev/ttyUSB0 dump v2.7-dev
EFUSE block 0:
00130180 bf4dbb34 00e43c71 0000a000 00000430 f0000000 00000054
EFUSE block 1:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
EFUSE block 2:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
EFUSE block 3:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

With using the following setup
CH2= 3.3V VDD (trigger)
CH3= Power consumption
CH4= pulse command.

Glitching the ENCRYPT_FLASH_KEY Read Check:

----- Efuses reading 40 ----- Pulse delay = 0.001191230 v2.7-dev
EFUSE block 0:
00120300 bf4dbb34 00e43c71 0000a000 00000430 f0000000 00000054
EFUSE block 1:
8655529b ce689f00 56bf288f 781fa042 ddf2e958 f25f6543 33764115 38c875e3
EFUSE block 2:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
EFUSE block 3:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001

Glitching the SECURE_BOOT_KEY Read Check:

----- Efuses reading 19 ----- Pulse delay = 0.001190600 v2.7-dev
EFUSE block 0:
001100c0 bf4dbb34 00e43c71 00000000 00000430 f0000000 00000054
EFUSE block 1:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
EFUSE block 2:
e94f5bc2 00370f91 7c897429 2eadd23b c7664f05 5ae3365f d3781029 82e25c4c
EFUSE block 3:
00000000 00000000 00800000 00000000 00000000 01000000 00000000 00000080

In practice do many dumps to get the most common bytes

Bypassing Bypassing Encrypted Secure Boot

Espressif ESP32: Bypassing Encrypted Secure Boot (CVE-2020-13629)